Brokering Relationships

It is essential to understand that within the dynamic of challenging racial inequality, key mainstream agencies with an interest in advancing the race equality agenda often lack the internal expertise or the necessary levels of trust to successfully engage with the Black and Minoritised sector. As such, BSWN uses its expertise to facilitate dialogues and develop relationships between stakeholders through which progress can be achieved in a manner that ensures adequate voice for these communities. We do this through:

· Working with the Black and Minoritised led organisations to develop a networks and partnerships, which will enhance and expand their impact;

· Facilitating community conferences, events, and networking meetings focusing on specific issues affecting Black and Minoritised communities;

· Working with key decision makers, policy makers, social investors and the Black and Minoritised community in ways that bring them together in co-productive environments;

· Hosting of co-productive workshops with the Black and Minoritised communities and decision-makers to discuss, develop and design policy;

· Working with key national and regional organisations to ensure that the most effective and relevant stakeholders are involved in our work;

· Working with individuals and informal groups in the Black and Minoritised communities such that their social capital is expanded and their agency as change agents increases.