Share your story with us

One aim of the project is to provide an opportunity for individuals, families, and community groups to share their stories.

Begin sharing your stories today by emailing the Cultural Heritage Manager on

Only Submit Stories You Have Permission to Publish

if you are submitting the story on behalf of someone else, please make sure you receive permission from the person who owns the content and intellectual property rights for the material(s) you will be submitting. While you will retain ownership of your submission, by submitting content you give the BSWN permission to use it for educational, promotional, or other non-commercial purposes. Your name will be credited against any published material(s).

By submitting content, you waive any privacy expectations you may have with regard to the submitted content. BSWN may make the content you submit available to the general public online, at its premises, in an exhibition, or in educational projects. If your content is posted online, please bear in mind that website visitors may consequently share your content via social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter.

Please do not submit any content or personally identifiable information that you do not want made public. Any content you are submitting on the website should not include photographs, full names, or any other personally identifiable information of children currently under the age of 18, without obtaining prior verifiable consent from the child's parent or guardian.  Photographs that include children under the age of 18 may only be shared if you (the submitter) are the parent or legal guardian of each child represented, or if you have obtained prior written consent from each child’s parent or legal guardian and have sent us that consent.

All submissions are voluntary on your part.

How to remove a story

If you have submitted a story that you no longer wish to be published or archived on the website, please contact the Cultural Heritage Manager on