BSWN’s Gloucestershire Racial Healthcare Inequalities Research Launches Together with the Gloucestershire Race Equality Action Group

On Monday 24th April, BSWN was joined by key strategic stakeholders at Gloucester Guildhall for the official launch of its community-led research on racial healthcare inequalities in Gloucestershire and the launch of the related newly set up organisation: the Gloucestershire Race Equality Action Group (GREAG).

The research findings were presented to a full room of approximately 20 attendees representing a range of sectors from mainstream healthcare authorities, public sector representatives at local and county level and key racial justice actors in the county.

You can now view and download the full report in the research section of BSWN’s website.

The research report aims to:

·      Provide culturally nuanced context to racial systemic healthcare inequalities.

·      Offer examples of good practices implemented by the Black and Minoritised sector.

·      Highlight areas of investment to rebuild equitably the Black and Minoritised sector.

·      Explore the sector’s potential in the Gloucestershire Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).

·      Provide actionable recommendations and directions for moving forward.

As an outcome of these key recommendations, the new Gloucestershire Race Equality Action Group (GREAG) was set up in the past months and is now officially launched with its core staff: Anira Khokhar as Interim Director and Verona Vidal as Community Development Officer.

The research was funded by NHS England and undertaken by BSWN in partnership with NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, the VCS Alliance, and Gloucestershire County Council.